Monday, September 8, 2008

Chapter Four: pg 116-127

*The introduction is what keeps the readers to continue reading.

Writing Response
"Herb's Chicken" is a very discriptive narrative of a woman(Lundin), along with her husband, learning how to "process" a chicken. I was dissapointed by this piece. I do not believe that the narrartor used a strong beginning; the only thing that hinted at something interesting was the word process in quotes. The narrative goes on the explain the gruesome steps to processing a chicken. I feel that Lundin did however provide a a good description for Herb, through allowing him to "talk". And as for the message of this narrative, I'm not sure that Lundin was able to convey one. at the end of the story, after the blood and guts details, she "chirps" that she can probably make the chicken, which, I feel, ruined her message. She goes on to say that she's not going to eat the processed chicken. Until the end, I thought the message was to be vegetarian, or animal friendly, but now I'm not really sure what it is. The "chirp" at the end is kind of eerie to me, because chirping makes me think of birds and she just watched them be killed. "Herb's Chicken" was really strange to em and I felt it lacked a message.

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